Ray Dynamic Color 2.0.11 Free Download
The industry leading Color Palette for After Effects
Currently, all the colors in your After Effect project have a fixed value, even if multiple colors in your scene have the same color value. This makes trying a different color or changing one almost impossible because you have to change each individual color of every element in the project. Ray Dynamic Color not only gives you a color palette to color with, it can also create clever links between the color values in your scene and the color palette. This give us many options to manage colors. Watch the tutorials to learn how.
- Color your scene with one click using the color swatches. Learn How
- Extract colors from your scene into a palette. Learn How
- Change colors after they are applied. Learn How
- Color with or without “expression links”. Learn How
- “Link” and “Unlink” colors to and from a palette. Learn How
- Color shape layer strokes and fills individually. Learn How
- Swap the colors of two color properties. Learn How
- Resolve color differences when merging scenes. Learn How
- Options to randomize and cycle colors of a palette. Learn How
- Compact, responsive user interface