Udemy – Unreal Engine 5 Learn Blueprints Through Multiple Projects Free Download

Udemy – Unreal Engine 5 Learn Blueprints Through Multiple Projects Free Download

What you’ll learn
A lot of Blueprints as the entire course is using Blueprints Only
Downloading and migrating assets for your projects
Create character animation blueprints, setup animation states as well as animation logic. We’ll also cover how animation montages and aim offsets work.
Create a fun rolling-ball game, in this project you will learn about actors and how to create them. We’ll also build our level including a points system.
Create a portal system that can be spawned and used to Teleport. You will also learn how to create portal effects using the Niagara System.
Camera & Input controls

In this Unreal Engine 5 course, you’ll learn Blueprints by making three different projects.
Two of the projects are at a beginner level while the third one is a bit more intermediate level.

In the first project, called Ball Roll, we’ll create a fun ball-rolling game. You gain points by pickups and must make sure to reach the goal to complete the level.

In the second project, Revenant Character, we will download a character from the market place, animate him and test the character in our project. You will learn how to setup a basic Animation Blueprint and configure the different animations for your character.

For the third project, Portals, we’ll create a portal system, allowing the player to spawn portals and teleport through them, similar to the game portals.

Ball Roll: Beginner Level

In this project, we’ll create a fun “ball-rolling” game. You will learn about actors, asset migration, blueprints, game modes and much more. We’ll finally also build a fun testing level.

– Learn about Game Modes
– Create a simple points system
– Learn about how to use the HUD & Widgets
– Learn to migrate assets from one project to another
– Learn about the Camera & Controls
– Create fun levels using actors we’ll create, such as “Jump Pad” and “Portal”.
– Learn to use assets we will import from the market place for building up our levels.
– Build fun level, and use this as a basic project to build the rest for yourself if needed.

Revenant Character: Beginner Level
In this project, we’ll download the Revenant character from the market place.
We will then create animations for him and test it in our level.

You will learn about:
– Montages
– Blend Spaces
– Animation Blueprints
– Aim Offsets
– Event Graph vs Animation Blueprint

Portals: Intermediate Level
In this project, we will create a Portal system to spawn portals which you can go through and pop out from the other side.

– Learn about how to create a portal system
– Learn about materials and material instances
– Create a portal actor which will be spawned in the level
– Learn to use an existing template (FPS) and change it to help us quickly prototype our game.
– Learn to create portal effects using Niagara.

Who this course is for:
All levels welcome, but mainly intended for beginner developers already having some expereince with Unreal Engine and Blueprints.
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part1.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part2.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part3.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part4.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part5.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part6.rar – 1.5 GB
UdemyUnrealEngine5LearnBlueprintsThroughMultipleProjects.part7.rar – 567.5 MB

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